Trotsky's Daughter Feature: Natasha, daughter of a high-ranking Trotskyite, enters a life-changing romance with Pierre, a dashing non-believer in 1950's Paris.
PruneFeature trilogy (film/series): A family of plum growers cut off from each other, 3 personal stories united through a love of plums.
The Bat and the AnteaterShort animation & live action: A story of human greed for anteaters and the consequences on the food chain.
pickledtillyour92Apr 2, 20221 minTrotsky's Daughter Feature: Natasha, daughter of a high-ranking Trotskyite, enters a life-changing romance with Pierre, a dashing non-believer in 1950's Paris.
pickledtillyour92Mar 5, 20227 minPruneFeature trilogy (film/series): A family of plum growers cut off from each other, 3 personal stories united through a love of plums.
pickledtillyour92Oct 27, 20218 minPlum PigeonAs Colonel Cords pushed his Zimmer frame along the familiar cobbles between the church and the tombstones, it occurred to him he didn’t...
pickledtillyour92Nov 9, 20207 minPoseidonHe was an old man who fished alone far out at sea and he had gone eight-four days now without taking a fish. Clive was his name, yet...